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How To Remove a Template From a Domain


If you no longer need a template applied to a domain but want to keep the template in your account, you can remove it. This tutorial walks you through the template removal process. 

Note: To delete a DNS template in your Constellix account, you must first remove it from all domains it was previously applied to. 


  • A domain has been added to your account
  • A template has been previously created and needs to be removed

How to Remove a DNS Template From a Domain in Constellix 

1. Navigate to Managed DNS > Templates

After logging in to the Constellix DNS dashboard, select Managed DNS on the left-hand side menu to expand options and then click Domains.

2. Select Domain

Click on the domain that is using the template you want to remove. 

Note: You can easily see which domain(s) is using a template and which template it is using by looking at the Template column on the domain screen. You can also use the search bar to search for a domain by name. 

3. Navigate to Advanced Settings tab > Apply Template.

4. Remove Template  

In the Apply Template window, choose None to remove the template. Then click the green Apply button.

Note: In order for your changes to take effect, you must review and apply changes.

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